Hi there, I'm autoChirp and I'll assist You scheduling the spread of Your words!
autoChirp is a small and easy-to-use webapplication to ease the scheduled publication of Your Tweets. You don't have to worry about missing relevant dates as Your stepmothers birthday anymore, just schedule a Happy-Birthday-Tweet within autoChirp and get back to Your daily life.
If You're a power-user, upload a bunch of Tweets from Your desktop or GoogleDrive: Just follow the markup-guidlines describing the creation of a Tweet-table or clone the predefined GoogleDrive Spreadsheet, input Your data and import the file - et voilà!
Further, autoChirp empowers You to fit more content into Your Tweets by providing the possibility to automagically convert Your longer-than-280-character-Tweets into an image. So whenever You send out an overlength Tweet, remember: You couldn't, without autoChirp.
And of course: Much more!